How to open a foreign bank account that will not be closed due to the lack of confirmation of registration of this account in the tax
Many foreign banks, which still open accounts for non-residents, are beginning to demand documents that…

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Types of bank card fraud
A lot of citizens today have a bank card - debit or credit, or both.…


Theoretical aspects of cash and settlement services for individuals and legal entities
The banking system is a combination of credit institutions and various types of national banks…


Brunei Offshore: Will Brunei offshore jurisdiction suit you?
Offshore Brunei - a tiny state that bites into the territory of Malaysia and wins…

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partner stores

Modern loyalty programs of commercial banks

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a person who would not use bank cards. Due to its advantages and wide possibilities, this means of cashless payment has become widespread. The use of bank cards greatly simplifies the work and activities of organizations, companies, individual entrepreneurs and individuals. Due to non-cash payments, payments are made more quickly and transparently. Continue reading