Currency operations of commercial banks and their role in economic development
In the conditions of transition of the economy to market relations and the development of…

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Is it safe to use an offshore bank account and a bank?
100% reliability can not ensure no one. But in general, offshore banking is safer if…


Commercial Bank
Credit organizations are divided into banks and non-bank credit organizations. The latter can only perform…


Banking empires of British origin are fading
The UK banking sector is not just an attractive destination for a successful entrepreneur, but…

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partner stores

Modern loyalty programs of commercial banks

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a person who would not use bank cards. Due to its advantages and wide possibilities, this means of cashless payment has become widespread. The use of bank cards greatly simplifies the work and activities of organizations, companies, individual entrepreneurs and individuals. Due to non-cash payments, payments are made more quickly and transparently. Continue reading