Cayman Islands introduced new legislation to protect personal information
The Cayman Islands, like many other small island states whose main income is provided by…

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Diversify bank accounts or hackers steal your money. Or they are already stealing ...
Dangers lurk at our every corner. And only reasonable diversification, as insurance, is able to…


Interesting facts about loans and banks
Modern Russians have long appreciated all the delights of loans that can be taken at…


Types of money
Money currently exists in the form of cash and non-cash money. Cash exists in the…

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excellent results

Modern ways of promoting banking services on the Internet

Modern market relations dictate their business conditions. As Bill Gates said in his book Business at the Speed ​​of Thought: “In the future, two types of companies will remain on the market: those who are online and those who have gone out of business.” This trend has affected the banking sector. A huge number of projects and programs are implemented using the World Wide Web, but despite the huge opportunities of the Internet in terms of attracting new customers, most banks either do not use these tools and methods at all, or use them insufficiently. Continue reading