banking operations
Swiss accounts: how to open a Swiss bank account?
Swiss accounts are recognized as one of the most reliable and respected in the world. The richest and most famous people of the world keep their money in Switzerland. However, ordinary entrepreneurs, holders of capital who need reliability and a high degree of confidentiality can also open an account in a Swiss bank. Continue reading
How to open a foreign bank account that will not be closed due to the lack of confirmation of registration of this account in the tax
Many foreign banks, which still open accounts for non-residents, are beginning to demand documents that taxes on amounts in the account as personal income have been paid. Some foreign banks are even starting to demand a certificate from the clients from the Russian Federation on the fact of informing the tax authorities of the Russian Federation about the existence of an account abroad. Naturally if
A foreign bank account for the FTS lately is something like a red rag for a bull. Continue reading
Deposit operations
According to the economic content of the deposit can be divided into groups:
– demand deposits;
– term deposits;
– savings deposits.
Deposits can also be classified according to other criteria: according to terms, types of depositors, terms of depositing and withdrawing funds, interest paid, etc. Continue reading