Bill circulation in the bank
Bill circulation exists in the economic life of various countries for several centuries. During this…

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World banking systems
In world practice there are the following banking systems: 1) two-level: 1st level - Central…


7 countries for offshore banking, which should avoid Russian-speaking immigrants from the United States
There may be a false opinion that once you are Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, or a…


Passive operations are operations for the accumulation of funds. As a result of these operations,…

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Bank requirements for borrowers

Today, it is not only banks, but also small credit organizations that offer a small amount of cash in loans. Announcements appear on the Internet, on the street, on radio and television. In large cities there are many offices where you can get money in just fifteen minutes. Although many organizations claim that the loan is highly likely to be approved, there are still certain requirements for the borrower. Continue reading