How to open a foreign bank account that will not be closed due to the lack of confirmation of registration of this account in the tax
Many foreign banks, which still open accounts for non-residents, are beginning to demand documents that…

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Offshore World Bank Almanac - Canada
Canada is not a traditional offshore jurisdiction. Taxes in Canada are higher than in the…


Interesting facts about loans and banks
Modern Russians have long appreciated all the delights of loans that can be taken at…


Is it safe to use an offshore bank account and a bank?
100% reliability can not ensure no one. But in general, offshore banking is safer if…

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Ways to prevent bankruptcy of commercial banks in Russia

During the years of the crisis, which has lasted since 2014, the financial and economic sector has been severely shaken. After the introduction of restrictive sanctions, the deterioration of the life of the population, constant jumps and the growth of currency rates, reduction of gold and currency standards by 80 billion dollars, the efficiency of banks has sharply decreased. Unable to withstand the economic pressure, about 120 banks closed over two years and today their number was about 714. Continue reading

Modern loyalty programs of commercial banks

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a person who would not use bank cards. Due to its advantages and wide possibilities, this means of cashless payment has become widespread. The use of bank cards greatly simplifies the work and activities of organizations, companies, individual entrepreneurs and individuals. Due to non-cash payments, payments are made more quickly and transparently. Continue reading