Swiss accounts: how to open a Swiss bank account?
Swiss accounts are recognized as one of the most reliable and respected in the world.…

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Passive operations are operations for the accumulation of funds. As a result of these operations,…


Bill circulation in the bank
Bill circulation exists in the economic life of various countries for several centuries. During this…


Is it safe to use an offshore bank account and a bank?
100% reliability can not ensure no one. But in general, offshore banking is safer if…

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Good reason to open a foreign bank account

The litigation that is currently unfolding between the Federal Tax Service and Sberbank may be a significant precedent that will affect the entire banking sector in Russia. The FTS accuses Sberbank of dishonest behavior, which is expressed in the fact that the bank refused to perform the functions of the tax authorities and write off funds in paying taxes from the client’s account.
The decision of the court is now closely watched by many account holders in Russian banks. If the court takes the side of the FTS, it may mean that in the near future the requirement to write off taxes from the accounts will be mandatory for all banks. This means that accounts in Russian banks will become an even less secure and confidential way of storing funds. Continue reading