Types of money
Money currently exists in the form of cash and non-cash money. Cash exists in the…

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Interesting facts about loans and banks
Modern Russians have long appreciated all the delights of loans that can be taken at…


Interesting facts about the banks of the world
The more familiar word "bank" originated in Italy. The indigenous population gave usurers securities and…


World banking systems
In world practice there are the following banking systems: 1) two-level: 1st level - Central…

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Cayman Islands introduced new legislation to protect personal information

The Cayman Islands, like many other small island states whose main income is provided by the financial sector, consider it of utmost importance to maintain its reputation as a reliable and law-abiding jurisdiction that complies with all international standards in the fight against money laundering, tax evasion and corruption. . Or, at least, those that do not go against the interests of customers. Continue reading