Foreign banks in Argentina will be able to work without a license
The Argentine government is developing a new bill that will amend the Capital Markets Law.…

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World banking systems
In world practice there are the following banking systems: 1) two-level: 1st level - Central…


Theoretical aspects of cash and settlement services for individuals and legal entities
The banking system is a combination of credit institutions and various types of national banks…


Banking empires of British origin are fading
The UK banking sector is not just an attractive destination for a successful entrepreneur, but…

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Types of money

Money currently exists in the form of cash and non-cash money.
Cash exists in the form of coins, banknotes (credit money, bank notes) and treasury notes.
Sometimes cash also includes checks and plastic cards. However, checks and plastic cards only represent non-cash money in bank accounts. By themselves, they cannot perform all the functions of money and therefore are not cash. Continue reading