Dubai Bank Services
If you are doing business in the United Arab Emirates or have registered an offshore…

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Brokerage operations of banks in their accounting
The securities market is similar to the market of any other commodity, but it also…


The banking crisis in Europe: Deutsche Bank is just the tip of the iceberg
The banking crisis in Europe is gaining momentum. And although the facts of this destructive…


Formation of approaches to the functioning of the bank in the context of sustainable development
The world community is unanimous about the need to make changes in the functioning of…

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branches mainly

Offshore World Bank Almanac – Canada

Canada is not a traditional offshore jurisdiction. Taxes in Canada are higher than in the US, and you are unlikely to open an account in Canada remotely without special knowledge and very long negotiations with dozens of banks. Very often, our clients who are interested in opening an account in a Canadian bank, after consultation, thank for the advice to open an account in a Canadian bank branch on one of the islands of West India, for example, on St. Kitts or Nevis. Continue reading