Open a bank account in Germany
A bank account abroad is one of the most attractive and thoughtful products for diversifying…

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Diversify bank accounts or hackers steal your money. Or they are already stealing ...
Dangers lurk at our every corner. And only reasonable diversification, as insurance, is able to…


Deposit operations
According to the economic content of the deposit can be divided into groups: - demand…


Tariffs of the English Bank Barclays on international transfers.
Unfortunately, the world is designed so that you have to pay for everything, and the…

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video cameras

Interesting facts about the banks of the world

The more familiar word “bank” originated in Italy. The indigenous population gave usurers securities and money in the hope of their return. If the money changers went bankrupt, then they smashed their heads on the bench, which was their workplace and was intended for laying out coins and business papers. Thus, the word bankrupt from banco rotto – broken bench and banco – bench. Continue reading