Sweden and the Netherlands demand to disclose the clients of the Swiss UBS
It recently emerged that Sweden and the Netherlands filed administrative requests with the Swiss authorities…

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Ways to prevent bankruptcy of commercial banks in Russia
During the years of the crisis, which has lasted since 2014, the financial and economic…


Bank requirements for borrowers
Today, it is not only banks, but also small credit organizations that offer a small…


Where can I get information about the reliability of the bank
When choosing a servicing bank, potential clients first of all pay attention to the following…

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magical indicators

Questions to ask a banker before investing

A private bank, managing other people’s assets rarely takes a large commission. Often we are talking about 1-2% per annum of the size of the assets. The proposal looks tempting, so not everyone asks additional questions.
A must. The fact is that in addition to the commission of the bank itself, there are additional commissions: the commission of the mutual fund, if your banker invests money in mutual funds; stock / bond storage fees; withdrawal fee, etc. Continue reading